Eye surgery done at New Sight Eye Center started 2011 by Mr. Robert F. Dolo in the S. D. Cooper Community. At currently facility, the surgical unit comprises of two operating theaters, changing rooms for staff and patients, short stay/ recovery rooms and sterilization room. Eye surgeries are perform by three Liberian cataract surgeons. Surgeries performed include but not limited cataract, lid-corneal laceration repaired, pediatric operation, Trabeculactomy, Pterygium and other complicated cases. Several ophthalmic institutions in Liberia referred emergency cases at our facility mostly children. An average of 15 surgical cases are performed weekly with cataract been the highest. Available are three operating microscopes and 5 cataract instrument sets along with Pterygium, evisceration, eyelid laceration, Chalazion, trabeculactomy sets, etc. Small Incision Sutureless Cataract Surgical technique with sub-tenon anesthesia is extensively practice at NSEC.

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