Advance Diploma In Optometry Technician (ADOT)

Optometric technicians assist an optometrist, an eye doctor who provides primary vision care, such as prescribing corrective lenses and administering eye exams. Optical technicians make optical parts for scientific instruments such as microscopes and telescopes, lenses for spectacles and contact lenses.

The program will extend over 1 academic year. It compresses of general courses and courses related specifically to Optometry and 6 months internship



High school education and above & professional body Diploma and Transcript. Have at least 2 years post qualification experience in your field of study

Semester 1
Opt 101Eye Examinations112
Opt 102Optics And Spectacles224
Opt 103Assembling Of Spectacles224
Opt 104Vision Examination (Refraction)224
Opt 105Basic Ophthalmology123
Semester II
Opt 201Contact Lenses112
Opt 204Visual Perception224
Opt 206Low Vision And Rehabilitation224
Opt 207Professional Development11
Opt 208Management Studies11
Opt 209Introductory Placement In Optical Firm44
Opn 310Research And Project Writing22
Total 9912

1 credit unit of lectures = 15 hours/semester

1 credit unit of practical = 96 hours/semester

Clinical Posting and Internship

Total Clinical Experience# of Clinical Hours
Clinical posting : 4hrs x 5days x 4months320
Refractive assessment, diagnosis and treatment (Refraction) (3hrsx5dayx6months)
Optical workshop (3hrs x 5days x 6months360
Community/field work (2hrs x 5 days x 6 months)240
Management and optical practice (1hr x 5days x 6months)120

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