New Sight Eye Center clinical/facility based eye services started in 2010 at the S.D. Cooper Community in a two bed rooms building. It started with a dispensary, visual acuity area and a consulting room screening at least 5 persons daily. Today, there are multiple sub- offices which include: OPD waiting area, record room, cashier room, visual acuity area, dispensary, 4 consulting rooms, diagnostic room, stock room, dressing room. This unit is responsible for patient flow at the OPD, dispensing of eye medications, ensuring standards in medical examination, diagnosing and treatment. Adequate space is provided at the outpatient waiting area. A partition was made for dilated patients in the waiting area. Visual acuity chart are posted in every office. This unit aid in the supervision of intern students from elsewhere, and student from NSEC ophthalmic training program. In-service training is organized by the unit head conducted for staff of the unit which improves their clinical skills on diagnosis and treatment. Routine dispensing of medications are carryout by the dispenser. Patients are educated on take home medications. PowerPoint presentations were done every Tuesdays and Thursdays on clinical and administrative related matters with the participation of all staff. Eye screening, diagnoses and treatment for various types of eye diseases are provided averagely to 35 persons on a daily bases. There are 3 (three) ophthalmic screeners with additional support from the Optometrist and the Ophthalmic Training Program Coordinator. The center is fortunate to have modern diagnostic equipment which enhances our clinical diagnosis. Some of this equipment include but not limited to the following: slip lamps, contact and non-contact tonometer, A+B scan ultrasound, Visual filed analyzer, Yag Laser, Portable Karetometer, etc. Visit New Sight Eye Center today for an eye examination .